Average Students should go for Engineering or not ?
If you have strong desire and dedication , then you should go. But if you just heard that Engineering us best degree ,as average student you should not.
You should give priority to your area of interest or area where you are good.
As a Consultant , I would suggest you to do similar course as Engineering like BScIT or BCA or BSc in CS will be more better for you where you can easily manage it and you will get similar opportunities like Engineering. As a average student , you may take Engineering but as there is tough competition , lots of project, practicals, and it is one of difficult course with full time with approximately 8 hour college session daily. For engineering , we should have good IQ , risk management factor, pressure acceptance ability , self motivation and very strong dedication with good budget for investment. After that , if you succeed then good , otherwise it will be trouble for you and Engineering KTs /backlogs are very much well-known for it. I don't know you personally , but as your marks reflects you . I will recommend to do BCA or BScIT in best reputed college which have placement opportunities. But if you have strong desire ,wish and dedication then you can go for it.
All the best.
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